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Foto dell'acquario di GenovaThe biggest marine aquarium in Europe it is among the most important in the world for the number of species: It was inaugurated in 1922 on the occasion of the Columbus celebrations for the 5000 year anniversary of the discovery of the New World.
Each year over a million visitors come to see it, it host every marine species in more than 600m2 of display areas – dolphins, sharks, turtles and penguins are housed in their natural marine environment, which is accurately reproduced.
 The visitor’s tour (about 2 hours 130min) unwinds in a scenic way of the Antique Port of Genova – in fact the acquarium is situated on the ancient Spinola bridge – and includes 40 large tanks, 19 open tanks that were obtained by using the spaces in a real ship called “Nave Italia”; thanks to which one can actually touch the fish with ones bare hand. The reconstruction of the original natural environments of each of the species in the aquarium is truely amgnificent: not only marine fauna but also reptiles, anfibians, and in general animals from the fluvial forests and freashwater.
An attractive, scientific and didactic centre this extraordinary structure is absolutely coherent with its slogan: “The Genova Aquarium. Moving by Nature”

From 2007 they will begin with a project aimed at allowing children to have a unique experience; they will be able to sleep overnight next to the shark tank and watch them up close.

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