SECURE Project - Security of Energy Considering its Uncertainty, Risk and Economic implications

WP 6 Results and Recommendations


  • Collect the results of the project and organise them in order to distill the crucial messages and provide policy recommendations with solid scientific and quantitative underpinnings
  • Carry out Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) covering security of supply aspects along with selected economic, environmental and social issues
  • Provide final recommendations covering the technical and regulatory aspects of the task of improving security of supply, as well as general energy policy and geopolitical recommendations


Description of work

Task1:  Review results from Work package 4 and 5 and, based on consultations with the advisory board and stakeholders, agree on further runs

This task will review the deliverables provided by WP 4 and WPs 5.1-5.8. With the help of the respective WP leaders, results will be reviewed and submitted to the advisory board and stakeholders, in order to check their acceptability and relevance for policy purposes. Stakeholder consultations will be carried out in cooperation with Task 1 of WP7. On the basis of these consultations it will be decided whether to refine the quantitative analysis with further runs of the relevant models. (Lead: FEEM, with the help of OME and contribution of  WP leaders of WP3, WP 4 and WPs 5.1-5.8)

Task 2  Multi Criteria Analysis of policy options for energy security

Lead: PSI; FEEM, OME, WP leaders of WP 4 and WPs 5.1-5.8 

Within this task a limited scope Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) will be carried out first on the level of technologies and then on the level of policy options. MCDA allows to combine the knowledge on technology performance on various criteria with the preferences of stakeholders. The motivation for this analysis is three-fold: (1) it is recognised that energy policies may have at least partially conflicting objectives (such as minimisation of costs, minimisation of impacts on the environment, high level of security of supply) thus making trade-offs necessary; (2) various stakeholders have different preferences and MCDA allows to illustrate the impact of various preference profiles on the ranking of technologies and policies; (3) MCDA offers the opportunity of integration of the various aspects of the analysis in a manner that facilitates communication and promotes common understanding.

The scope of the task includes establishment of evaluation criteria, development of a database of indicators and MCDA model implementation. The criteria and associated indicators will be partially established in cooperation with the relevant work-packages of the SECURE-Project. Criteria and indicators not in the focus of the project will be treated in a less detailed manner primarily striving for representativeness. In this context the extensive experience gained in the NEEDS project will be utilized by adopting to the extent possible the indicators generated earlier. 

Task 3:  Development of technical and regulatory recommendations to improve security of supply

Lead: FEEM; CESI RICERCA/ERSE/RSE S.p.A., OME, TUD, other partners

This task will achieve a synthesis of the technical and regulatory recommendations drawn in the SECURE project to improve security of supply in all the energy sectors. Based on the lessons learned from WP5 and conclusions of the previous tasks of WP6, a decision framework will be built to be used as a tool by policy makers. The focus will be on  providing a menu of practical and quantifiable technical and regulatory measures to be implemented in order to increase energy security in Europe in the coming decades.

Task 4: Development of policy recommendations to improve security of supply

Lead: FEEM, OME; CEPS, GRCF, PSI, all other partners

This task will draw the final policy recommendations based on quantitative and technical analyses as well as qualitative and geopolitical dimensions of energy policies. The aim is, based on the results of the whole SECURE project and in particular Task 1, 2 and 3 of WP6, to help the European Commission and EU governments in their decision making to achieve:

- the appropriate energy mix regarding energy security of supply and sustainability requirements;

- Stable relations with energy exporting countries and external partners;

- Efficient regulatory frameworks addressing incentives and obligations for energy companies and consumers;

- Optimisation of the synergies between Member states to improve security of supply;

- Sound public service missions to compensate for potential market failures.

The indications of the Advisory Board and of the Stakeholders Committee will be of primary importance for this task. In fact, they will allow the integration of lessons based on solid theoretical and quantitative analyses with the day-to-day experience and the views of experts in energy matters. The consideration of EU’s energy policy and of its long term security strategy as well as of a geopolitical perspective will be particularly useful in tailoring SECURE’s policy recommendations on the local specificities of EU importing countries and of countries exporting energy products to the EU. 

These insights will be presented, in cooperation with WP7 at regional workshops in energy exporting countries, at a seminar organised at the European Parliament, and at the final conference of the project.

Workpackage 6 is carried out under the co-ordination of FEEM

Seventh Framework Programme

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