SECURE Project - Security of Energy Considering its Uncertainty, Risk and Economic implications

WP 5.4 Development and application of specific tools for Energy Security in the Nuclear Sector (Upstream and transport)



  • The main objective of the task is to develop assessment methodology of energy security supply in nuclear energy sector, elaborate state-of-the-art analysis methods for nuclear energy scenarios, and evaluate geopolitical, EU and national political, technical, economic and regulatory influence to security of nuclear energy supply.
  • Development and testing of a tool to evaluate all possible influence to the nuclear energy security supply in terms of technical issues including any type of disturbances and economical-political uncertainties.
  • Application of the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for the development of the models and testing simulations.

Participants: LEI, JRC, PSI, GRCF 

Description of work

A methodology and specialised analytical tools for modelling of nuclear sector in order to analyse security issues within the sector will be developed. The methodology will be based on economic modelling tools, application of probabilistic risk assessment (in cooperation with WP5.7) as well as sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. The upstream chain of nuclear fuel, including transportation, consequences caused by various disturbances having impact to security of nuclear energy supply, generation and further analysis of various events scenarios will be investigated. Security analysis will take into account economic, regulatory, geopolitical and technical issues. The elaborated methods and tools will allow analysis of security issues in a wider perspective than the nuclear sector alone. These methods will be suitable for preparation of necessary information for the models and tools dealing with global assessment of security of energy supply developed in other work-packages.

Task 1: Geopolitical Issues


An analysis of geopolitical issues relevant to the upstream nuclear fuel cycle and transport taking into account resource allocation, location of enrichment, fabrication and other facilities for preparation of nuclear fuel, transportation routes of nuclear fuel and relevant materials. Elaboration of methods and tools will allow quantifying information related to these issues in order to use it further for preparation of common tools and evaluation of security aspects in nuclear sector.

Task 2: EU and national political Issues


An analysis and generalisation of EU and national political issues relevant for the nuclear sector will be performed. Energy security supply will be analysed in the light of national and EU political strategies on nuclear energy future.

Task 3: Technical Issues


An analysis of technical issues relevant for energy security in the nuclear sector will be performed. Technical nuclear energy chain analysis of disturbances from the recourse allocated till the energy production and impact of these disturbances to the security of nuclear energy supply will be analysed. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis will be applied for the development of analytical tools.

Task 4: Economic and Regulatory Issues

Lead: JRC; LEI

An analysis and generalisation of economics issues and regulatory requirements for safety in nuclear industry will be performed. Assessment of state-of-the-art methods for nuclear energy security in terms of economic vulnerability in nuclear energy sector and possible increase in requirements for nuclear industry will be made.

Workpackage 5.4 is carried out under the co-ordination of LEI

Seventh Framework Programme

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