WP 13 - Management and coordination


  • To ensure the efficient co-ordination and management of the project, both in terms of scientific co-ordination and administrative management;
  • To review and assess project results and progress towards the objectives;
  • To carry out full communication and dissemination on the project activities and findings.

Description of work

Project management and coordination activities, including:

  • overall legal, contractual and administrative management; maintenance of the Consortium Agreement; management of the financial flows between the Commission and the consortium; co-ordination of knowledge management issues; overall co-ordination of the technical activities of the project (FEEM and UBATH);
  • project reporting: including 12-months and 30-months Activity and Management Reports and a 24-months Summary Activity Report (ALL).

Project review and assessment, including:

  • monitoring of project implementation, review and assessment of project results and progress towards the objectives (ALL);
  • organisation of project meetings: a Kick-off Meeting (month 2, FEEM); a Mid-term Project Meeting (month 14, FEEM); 3 Project Steering Committee Meetings (month 18, IER, month 25, VITO and month 29, ISIS).

Project communication and dissemination activities, including:

  • development and update of a Plan for using and disseminating knowledge (month 6, ALL);
  • development and update of a Project's communication action plan (month 6, ALL);
  • establishment and maintenance of a dedicated web site, production of scientific contents, publication of project findings and reports, linking with partner web sites, etc (FEEM and ALL);
  • establishment of links with other EU and international initiatives (in particular, with the NEEDS consortium through active participation to the NEEDS Fora) (ISIS and ALL);
  • publication of working papers, a book (FEEM), articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and project presentations at international conferences (ALL).

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