WP 11 - Methods of Assessment


  • To perform comparative analysis of policy assessment methods and identify common grounds and linkages;
  • To provide guidelines for the dynamic implementation of policy assessment methods;
  • To provide tools and support for implementing methods in WPs 8-10 with the involvement of energy suppliers and other stakeholders;
  • To estimate implied monetary equivalents for non-monetised impacts.

Description of work

The WP is developed in two phases, the first aiming at reviewing and consolidating existing knowledge and the second at implementing and disseminating the proposed methods:

Analysis, description and implementation of assessment methods

Task 1: to survey Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques/tools and to review successful applications in energy and environmental policy making.

Task 2: to set up guidelines for using CBA, CEA and MCDA in policy assessment, with emphasis on integrating dynamic aspects in multi-criteria assessment.

Task 3: to set up tools for implementing assessment methods in an interactive and dynamic way. These tools are developed in a generic form assuming a number of alternative policy instruments evaluated along a number of aspects. The CBA-CEA tool provides rankings of instruments according to external cost estimates and discount rates. The MCDA tool provides rankings of instruments according to the preferential input of stakeholders. In both cases a sensitivity analysis indicates the robustness of the obtained results.

Task 4: to extend and improve the methodology for deriving monetary equivalents for non-monetised impacts through individual preferences elicited in MCDA.

Support to the implementation of assessment methods

Task 5: to organise a seminar for WPs 8-10 partners to validate methods and user guidelines.

Task 6: to adapt the tools to the specific context and data of WPs 8-10, testing the tools through electronic communication and in partners meetings.

Task 7: to participate in stakeholders workshop 2 and to elaborate results providing policy input.

Tasks are carried out by UBATH, VITO, UFLENS, under the co-ordination of NTUA.

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