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EDCThe European Drought Centre (EDC) is a virtual centre of European drought research and drought management organisations to promote collaboration and capacity building between scientists and the user community.

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The Xerocore Roadmap

The overall aim of this Support Action (SA) is to assist in the development of a European Drought Policy in accordance with the EU-Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) and other related policies (e.g. CAP, Regional Funds, health aspects). It will build upon EurAqua (2004) and the recently published CEC Communication on Water Scarcity and Drought (CEC, 2007a). While the WFD provides a basic instrument, especially the request for an integrated approach requires fitting specific knowledge gaps on drought-related issues. Therefore the overall aim of the proposed SA is to provide a roadmap that identifies the main research gaps and steps forward.

The following diagram shows the subsequent development of the guidance document and roadmap to contribute to development of an European drought policy using continuously updated text documents (rectangles), wider expert presentations during the scheduled sequence of 2 workshops and 1 conference (rectangles with rounded edges) and the round table discussions (ovals) during the conferences, enabling a synthesis and common agreement between core group members and invited experts (numbers of associated deliverables and milestones are given).