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EDCThe European Drought Centre (EDC) is a virtual centre of European drought research and drought management organisations to promote collaboration and capacity building between scientists and the user community.

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Organization of Work

The Xerochore SA is based on the involvement of 11 Partners (Core Partners) and a wider group of already identified partners as Network Partners (contributing to the review and synthesis). Also being open to more experts on a voluntary basis, the area addressed benefits from broadening the information collection as much as possible, by keeping the effort for coordinating the synthesis development in reasonable limits.

Organisation of work

WP1 will provide the review of knowledge about the climatic and hydrological systems and their interaction in controlling drought development. It also considers human influences, including. climate change and its impact on the occurrence of droughts. In addition, the review on existing and still missing knowledge on drought characterization will help to get the boundary conditions for a systematic review of the other areas of work, WP2 (Economic and social impacts) as well as WP3 (Environmental impacts)(see Fig. 1.2.a). First it will collect existing information on impacts and then, by using first outcomes from WP1 and providing in particular the knowledge base on where research gaps would limit the development of a EU Drought Policy (WP4), but also where open research fields are limiting the planning of sustainable drought mitigation and adaptation plans in the sense of an Integrated water resources management (WP5).

The outcome of the WP's 1-3 provide then a possibility to integrate drought management both to its drivers (causes) and impacts as well as to possible consequences of drought management (WP5). The link of the drought management to WP4 (Drought policy) is dual, first to impose urgent fields of action in policy making, but considering at the same time constraints and restrictions as discussed under WP5.