About the Project

Workpackages Description

The EPI-Water research project is developed in seven Workpackages (WPs) and the research activities are structured into three consecutive steps, as described in the plan of the work. Below there are the descriptions of each WP and their main objectives.


WP 1 MANAGE: Management and coordination

WP1 is concerned with the overall project management, the internal communication among the Consortium, the supervision of the implementation of the work plan and the involvement of two external group: Policy Think Tank and Network of International Experts.


  • Ensure the efficient co-ordination and the overall management of EPI-Water Project, including the preparation and the maintenance of the Consortium Agreement
  • Ensure that all partners contributions are well integrated and coordinated and that EC deliverables are produced in a timely manner
  • Supervise the organisation of the planned project events and the involvement of Policy Think Tank (PTT) and the Network of International Experts
  • Ensure of compliance with all relevant regulations of the European Commission, including the knowledge management issues

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